What responsibilities do Christians have to protect their belongings?
It’s important to start out with an essential fact: God owns everything. “The earth is the LORD’S, and all it contains (Ps. 24:1 NASB95).” That means any discussion of “What should I do with my stuff?” is necessarily on God’s terms. He’s the landlord, so he gets to set the terms.
Why did God reject Cain’s offering?
I taught a lesson on Cain and Abel at a Good News Club a few weeks ago, and this question came up. One explanation was that Cain’s offering was incorrect.
How Should We Interpret the Resurrection Account?
I decided to write this work of parody after I read an extremely fallacious article on the BioLogos website two years ago.
Reality is Polysemous
In my last article about truth, I said that the next article would talk about some other definitions of truth. But, I began to have doubts about my previous article. I had essentially said that truth and reality were synonyms. “Ok, so what?” you may be thinking.
Wonder in Music
I have made a certain observation that out of all of today’s music genres, not one of them is designed or meant to inspire wonder.
Truth is Reality; Reality is Truth
Ok, seriously. What is truth? Like, what is it? It would be nice to answer that question straightforwardly, but the problem is that truth is a word with many possible meanings.
Should writers avoid using personal language?
For some reason, somebody decided that in formal writing, you can’t involve the reader or yourself in the writing. You can’t say “I” this, or “you” that, or “we” whatever!
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