Waiting and Dreaming
A dear friend sent me this quote, and it started me thinking. Waiting is truly a precious thing. It gives us a chance to dream about the future. Besides this, it lets us see the value in what we are waiting for.
Joel Salatin’s Views on Freedom
I wrote the text below in response to a commenter on Joel Salatin’s blog. In Joel’s article, he explained how he wanted to Make America Free Again as opposed to making America great or healthy again. Josh, the commenter I responded to, was confused about a few things Joel had said.
What’s inherently evil about nakedness?
My friend asked this question a few days ago on a Discord group. While he was reading the MacArthur Study Bible, he came across a strange note that said, “Adam’s sin was evidenced by his new knowledge of the evil of nakedness.”
Is it Biblical to ask for financial support for short-term mission work?
Someone I know on a private Bible Q&A forum asked this question. They’re going through a situation where knowing what the Bible says about supporting missions would be helpful. To answer this question, I will first talk about what Biblical support looks like, and then go into whether or not short-term mission trips are Biblical.
Should governments monitor Internet users?
This question pertains to the government. Ah, the government. Everyone always seems to be freaking out about the government. Oftentimes, what the government thinks is right, we think is wrong. And what we think is wrong, the government thinks is right.
What responsibilities do Christians have to protect their belongings?
It’s important to start out with an essential fact: God owns everything. “The earth is the LORD’S, and all it contains (Ps. 24:1 NASB95).” That means any discussion of “What should I do with my stuff?” is necessarily on God’s terms. He’s the landlord, so he gets to set the terms.
Why did God reject Cain’s offering?
I taught a lesson on Cain and Abel at a Good News Club a few weeks ago, and this question came up. One explanation was that Cain’s offering was incorrect.
How Should We Interpret the Resurrection Account?
I decided to write this work of parody after I read an extremely fallacious article on the BioLogos website two years ago.
God’s Good Creation
Right now I watch in agony as my mother sprays insect killer around the entire house.
I Memorized Colossians—and You Can Too!
If you are capable of reading this article, you are capable of memorizing an entire book of the Bible. I know this from experience.