New Sheep!
After I got over my alpaca phase, I wanted to get sheep. Every spring, I would bring the topic to my family and get enthusiastic and…
David and Adam Comedy Skits
Not only do I like writing articles and books, but I also like writing puppet shows. I’ve been meaning to put my puppet show scripts on my website for a while…
My Puppet Scripts
Not only do I like writing articles and books, but I also like writing puppet shows. I’ve been meaning to put my puppet show scripts on my website for a while…
How Should We Interpret the Resurrection Account?
I decided to write this work of parody after I read an extremely fallacious article on the BioLogos website two years ago.
God’s Good Creation
Right now I watch in agony as my mother sprays insect killer around the entire house.
I Memorized Colossians—and You Can Too!
If you are capable of reading this article, you are capable of memorizing an entire book of the Bible. I know this from experience.
About My Study of Colossians
As you may recall, I have been attending Liberty University Online for a year. Through their dual-enrollment program, it is possible to get a 70% discount and graduate from high school with an Associate’s degree.
Elderly Friends
Today I had the opportunity to visit my grandma’s neighbor Lundy who is 106 years old. Later, I saw my great-grandfather who is 90.
“My Kids Will Never Do School.”
That is what I told my Aunt today at a crafting party. It may sound strange, but it’s the truth. School teaches kids to dread learning.