What’s inherently evil about nakedness?
My friend asked this question a few days ago on a Discord group. While he was reading the MacArthur Study Bible, he came across a strange note that said, “Adam’s sin was evidenced by his new knowledge of the evil of nakedness.”
How Should We Interpret the Resurrection Account?
I decided to write this work of parody after I read an extremely fallacious article on the BioLogos website two years ago.
Should writers avoid using personal language?
For some reason, somebody decided that in formal writing, you can’t involve the reader or yourself in the writing. You can’t say “I” this, or “you” that, or “we” whatever!
“My Kids Will Never Do School.”
That is what I told my Aunt today at a crafting party. It may sound strange, but it’s the truth. School teaches kids to dread learning.