Alaskan Culture: WE ARE THE BIGGEST
Yep, Alaska is way more awesome than Texas. At least, that’s what we like to tell ourselves. It all has to do with being the biggest.
Alaskan Culture: State Rivalry
Many people visit Alaska and are irresistibly drawn back. Perhaps, this influences the strange attitude that devoted Alaskans have toward outsiders.
Why I keep gardening
I am intolerably forgetful. Despite this obstacle, I have more or less “tended” a garden for approximately four years.
New Sheep!
After I got over my alpaca phase, I wanted to get sheep. Every spring, I would bring the topic to my family and get enthusiastic and…
God’s Good Creation
Right now I watch in agony as my mother sprays insect killer around the entire house.
I Memorized Colossians—and You Can Too!
If you are capable of reading this article, you are capable of memorizing an entire book of the Bible. I know this from experience.
About My Study of Colossians
As you may recall, I have been attending Liberty University Online for a year. Through their dual-enrollment program, it is possible to get a 70% discount and graduate from high school with an Associate’s degree.
Why I want to farm
Whenever I tell someone I want to be a farmer, they always look surprised. Unfortunately, farming is not a very common occupation. What’s even more unfortunate is my inability to explain myself. But I still want to try to explain.
The Final Day
It is the final day. Each day has been different on this trip. Though I know the days at home are unique in their own way, I am worried I will forget what I have learned.