Waiting and Dreaming
A dear friend sent me this quote, and it started me thinking. Waiting is truly a precious thing. It gives us a chance to dream about the future. Besides this, it lets us see the value in what we are waiting for.
I Memorized Colossians—and You Can Too!
If you are capable of reading this article, you are capable of memorizing an entire book of the Bible. I know this from experience.
A Meaningful Life
Often I believe the lie that one must be a full-time missionary to please God. What does the Bible say?
Traveling Patterns
Traveling is difficult. The solution? Patterns. Having patterns will enable you and your family to stay sane in the mental traffic of travel.
The Faithfulness of God’s Plan
Today I had the opportunity to speak to some wise and experienced brothers and sisters. One of them asked me what I planned to do after graduation.