Written on January 10, 2023
Today I had the opportunity to speak to some wise and experienced brothers and sisters. One of them asked me what I planned to do after graduation. I told him the usual spiel: I am currently enrolled in college at Liberty University. I don’t have an exact plan, but I enjoy farming and am interested in caring for the elderly. I want to be a mother, but first, I have to get married!
He told me something I already knew, but I could hear God’s reminder speaking through him: “Wait on God, he will provide in his timing.” The example he used was of Isaac and Rebecca. God brought the right bride to Isaac. Isaac did not need to pick, God had already made the choice. The man that spoke to me had waited on God to choose his bride. He and his wife have been married for over forty years.
Genesis 2:24 ESV says, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” I can trust God to figure out the farming stuff, and I can rely on him to choose the man who will take me to be his wife. He has called me to be a wife and mother, so I can trust in his providence.