Lael Kirsch
About me

Hello, my name is Lael! Here you can find a bit of my autobiography. Usually, people don’t write those until they are really old, but the custom with blogs is different (I guess).
A Short History
Anyway, to start at the beginning. I was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, eighteen years ago. My first name, Lael, means “Belonging to God.” My last name, Kirsch, is the same name as a German cherry vodka drink. Perhaps my ancestors made that beverage. The funny thing is that I like fermenting stuff (I haven’t made alcohol yet, though!).
I have an older brother, Johnathan, a younger brother, Samuel, who was born into heaven, and two younger sisters, Elliana and Molly. All of us kids have been homeschooled. Our style of homeschooling includes a mismatch of curriculums, activities, serving at church together, and different co-ops over time.
Where I am right now
Eight years ago, we packed up and moved to Alaska. Our dad had been called to airplane ministry. We have lived here ever since. Nevertheless, frequent, prolonged traveling has been a theme in my life, so I have seen much of the United States and a little bit of Europe and Canada.
Spring of 2024, I graduated from high school after being dual-enrolled at Liberty University to get my associate’s degree in Biblical Studies. In March 2025, I will get my Permaculture Design Certificate from Oregon State University. The following summer, I plan to implement my design for our property and get another job (hopefully something farming-related). Currently, I milk cows twice a week at Sun Fire Ridge Farm and teach writing to my sister and four other girls.
My Passions
While traveling, I saw a road sign that equated one’s passion with their career. However, that doesn’t seem to work for me. If anything defines my interests, it is variety. I am interested in everything! All good things are worth learning about. From music, science, decorating, farming, teaching, and writing, there are no bounds. The theme throughout it all is summarized in one word: action. I don’t just like science because it is interesting (though it is); I want to use it.
Because of the vast spread of hobbies, I don’t see myself in a traditional career. I know God is leading me to be a mother and homemaker, but I must wait on him for a partner. Additionally, I want to be a farmer and I would love to run a family business.
When I was younger, I wanted to be a veterinarian. However, I went on a field trip to a veterinarian’s office, and when they said how many years of training it took and the lack of a job market for vets, I decided to look elsewhere. Still, I have always enjoyed reading books about animal care. I realized that I want to care of animals over the course of their lives, not just when they are sick. I want them to have a purpose, not just be pets.
Later, I read the book Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon and found my love for nutrition. The combination of these things has led me to consider animal farming. (Plus other stuff that I may write about soon.) That may be the step I take after graduating next year.
In conclusion, I could go on forever, but that should be enough for you to get a general idea of my life.
The End (until God writes the next part…)
Posts by Lael:
Alaskan Culture: Independence
Each piece of a culture has its good and bad sides. This proverb applies to Alaska, as well. One of the distinct, and yet convoluted aspects of Alaskan culture is our independent attitude. Read More
Waiting and Dreaming
A dear friend sent me this quote, and it started me thinking. Waiting is truly a precious thing. It gives us a chance to dream about the future. Besides this, it lets us see the value in what we are waiting for. Read More
Alaskan Culture: WE ARE THE BIGGEST
Yep, Alaska is way more awesome than Texas. At least, that’s what we like to tell ourselves. It all has to do with being the biggest. Read More
Alaskan Culture: State Rivalry
Many people visit Alaska and are irresistibly drawn back. Perhaps, this influences the strange attitude that devoted Alaskans have toward outsiders. Read More
Why I keep gardening
I am intolerably forgetful. Despite this obstacle, I have more or less “tended” a garden for approximately four years. Read More
New Sheep!
After I got over my alpaca phase, I wanted to get sheep. Every spring, I would bring the topic to my family and get enthusiastic and… Read More
God’s Good Creation
Right now I watch in agony as my mother sprays insect killer around the entire house. Read More
I Memorized Colossians—and You Can Too!
If you are capable of reading this article, you are capable of memorizing an entire book of the Bible. I know this from experience. Read More
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