Johnathan Kirsch
Truth is Reality; Reality is Truth
Ok, seriously. What is truth? Like, what is it? It would be nice to answer that question straightforwardly, but the problem is that truth is a word with many possible meanings. Read More
Should writers avoid using personal language?
For some reason, somebody decided that in formal writing, you can’t involve the reader or yourself in the writing. You can’t say “I” this, or “you” that, or “we” whatever! Read More
The Vision for this Blog
Now, why did I even want a blog? Let me introduce you to My Vision. No, not the kind of special vision from God where you see angels, the future, or the fate of nations. The other kind of vision. The vision of what my imagination sees as the future for this blog. Read More
The Blog is Now Online
I’m overjoyed. This blog is finally online, even after all of the struggle and confusion and seemingly aimless exploration. Let me tell you what happened. Read More
Alaskan Culture Bible centralized nerd network colossians computer stuff controversial ethics farming frederick dlanimi god's plan Greenland learning life advice Martinez meaning memorization nudity nutrition personal story poem poetic political theory puppet scripts puppet shows science sheep short story story trusting god truth wonder