Don’t be deceived! This article is a joke. And sadly, this world record has not been set. If it has, please let me know!
Fashion blogger Selena Valdez has just claimed the world record for the most blog posts written in one day. On January 3rd, she wrote ninety-five 300-600 word blog posts for her company’s fashion blog. The articles ranged from information about seasonal fashion trends to the history of the mid-length skirt. Most of the posts, though, were her opinions on well-known fashion artists or her preference for certain clothing combinations.
Selena began writing at around 8 a.m. and was going to take a lunch break at 10 a.m., but before she left her home office, she realized that she needed to take the trash out. Strangely, Selena has an extremely strong diversion to taking out the trash. So strong, in fact, that she kept writing non-stop for another ten hours until her husband got home at 8 p.m.
As soon as her husband took the trash out for her, Selena thanked him and then passed out in bed. The following evening, after Selena had spent the morning posting forty-one of her blog posts, her coworkers started asking questions.
“I was like, Selena girl, when did you write all of this?” one coworker said. “This is really good. Why did you wait to post weeks worth of articles in one day?” Upon hearing that all of the articles had been written the day before, this coworker got extremely excited and emailed all of their company’s bloggers.
A few days later, with the encouragement of her friends and coworkers, Selena pursued getting her feat officially recognized. Because no one had ever claimed such a record before, a new one was created for her.
Some people are calling her feat the Jonah Effect. “Jonah sailed across the ocean so he didn’t have to do what he was supposed to do,” Helen Mellsworth, Maryland, said. “And Selena wrote a million blog posts so she didn’t have to take out the trash.”
In total, Selena Valdez wrote around 38,000 words, the length of a short book, at an average typing speed of 50 words per minute. “I really wonder if anyone will beat my record soon,” Selena told us. “If someone does, I’ll feel sorry for them. Afterward, my fingers were cramped and I had the worst brain fog for days!”