Script Author: Johnathan Kirsch
Ben and Jen, two eccentric characters, are supposed to be doing a Bible Comedy show. But they can barely manage to hold an intelligible conversation. They end up telling some off the rails jokes about King David.
Puppets Needed
- Boy Puppet: Ben
- Girl Puppet: Jen
Jen: Hello!
Ben: Hi!
Jen: Hello!
Ben: Hi!
Jen: Hey! I wanted to get the last word in Ben!
Ben: Last word.
Jen: Humph.
Ben: Aren’t we supposed to be doing a comedy show Jen?
Jen: Uuuuuuu, yeah Ben. Bible comedy.
Ben: Let’s talk about King David!
Jen: You mean that madman?
Ben: Noooooo.
Jen: Well, when he was in the court of the Philistines he was acting like this.
Jen proceeds to act like a lunatic.
Ben: Oh yeah! That guy! He was the greatest babysitter in the bible.
Jen: Now you’re the lunatic, Ben.
Ben: No I’m not. He rocked Goliath to sleep.
Jen: You think you’re cocky! Well here’s one for you. If Goliath was still alive today would you tell him David was the greatest babysitter in the bible?
Ben: Probably, he might get a laugh out of it.
Jen: No, he wouldn’t, because he already fell for it once.
Ben: Hahaha! Wait, was David really a madman?
Jen: Ok… maybe I stretched that a little bit, he only acted like that to escape execution by the evil Philistines.
Ben: Where did he go after that?
Jen: He escaped to a cave.
Ben: He’s a hobbit too!? Hiding in holes!
Jen: What! No!
Ben: He’s a mentally disturbed, babysitting, hobbit?!?
Jen: No! He’s a respectable, after God’s own heart, brave king!
Ben: This conversation has gone off the wheels.
Jen: Wheels?
Ben: It sounds like rails…
Jen: Goodbye, sly guy.
Ben: Not too soon lemon spoon. Lagoon? Or was it indecipherable moons?
Jen: It’s baboon you baboon!
Ben: Fine, I’ll make one up Jen. Don’t fall off a precipice and die like evil queen Jezebel!
Jen: Ben!!!
This script is freely given (Matt. 10:8) for the sake of the gospel. You can copy, translate, modify, and distribute this script, without restriction, and without needing to ask permission.
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