Evidence of Reincarnation in a Colony of Mice

Volume 1, Issue 1, 19 November 2023

Authors: Laasya and Kabir Gupta1

Contact: [email protected] 📧

License: Public Domain 2023 by The Department of Paranormal Studies

Notes: Don’t be deceived. This article is a joke. By the way, reincarnation is unbiblical.



In this paper, we report the results of a five-year study on the evidence of reincarnation in a colony of 100,000 mice. Utilizing an artificial neural network trained on the electroencephalogram (EEG) signals of the mice, we crafted a biometric identification system capable of recognizing a reincarnated mouse across lifetimes. Our discovery revealed the influence of a local reincarnation force, elevating the probability of a mouse being reborn in the same colony by 200 times. Remarkably, there’s a 99% chance that a mouse will be reborn in the facility within ten years. This estimate does not include black karma mice, who are trapped in the same species for up to 100 generations, usually within the same area. In the course of the study, we identified two normal reincarnated mice and one black karma mouse who stayed within the colony for 16 generations. Additionally, we discuss the implications of our findings for the understanding of reincarnation and consciousness.


reincarnation; EEG; past-lives; black karma mice; normal reincarnated mice


Reincarnation is the belief that after death, the soul or consciousness of a living being transmigrates to another body, either of the same or a different species. Reincarnation is a central tenet of many religions, such as Hinduism and Buddhism, and has been reported by some individuals who claim to have memories or experiences of their past lives (Stevenson, 2001; Tucker, 2013). However, reincarnation remains a controversial and elusive phenomenon that has not been conclusively demonstrated by scientific methods.

One of the main challenges in studying reincarnation is the difficulty of verifying the identity and authenticity of the alleged past lives. Most cases of reincarnation involve human subjects who may be influenced by cultural, psychological, or social factors that could affect their memory or interpretation of their past lives (French, 2005). Moreover, human subjects are usually not available for repeated testing or observation over long periods of time, which limits the possibility of longitudinal and cross-sectional studies.

To overcome these limitations, we propose to study reincarnation in a non-human animal model: mice. Mice are widely used in biomedical research because of their genetic similarity to humans, their short lifespan, their large population size, and their ease of manipulation and observation (Festing & Wilkinson, 2007). Mice also exhibit complex behaviors and cognitive abilities that suggest they have some degree of consciousness and self-awareness (Panksepp, 2005).

In this paper, we present the results of a five-year study on the evidence of reincarnation in a colony of 100,000 mice housed in an 80,000-square-foot building in India. We used an artificial neural network trained on the EEG signals of the mice to create a biometric identification system that could recognize a reincarnated mouse across lifetimes. We hypothesized that if reincarnation occurs, some mice would exhibit consistent EEG patterns that would match their previous incarnations. We also hypothesized that there would be some factors that would influence the likelihood and frequency of reincarnation, such as karma, location, and time.


Mice Colony

Acquiring 100,000 mice from diverse sources—including local breeders, pet shops, laboratories, and animal shelters—was a meticulous process. Our emphasis was on ensuring genetic diversity, encompassing various strains, ages, sexes, and health conditions.

Inhabiting an expansive 80,000-square-foot facility, our mice experienced distinct environmental conditions. This building, divided into sections with variations in temperature, humidity, light cycle, food availability, and enrichment, was strategically located in India. The choice was influenced by its cultural and religious significance tied to reincarnation and its proximity to the Department for Paranormal Studies.

Employing wireless electrodes affixed to their skulls, we systematically collected EEG data from each mouse. Over their entire lifespan, ranging from birth to death, we recorded EEG signals daily for a duration of 10 minutes. Managing this substantial volume of data involved utilizing a 2500-terabyte server, backed by the computational power of a supercomputing system, for training our Artificial Neural Network.

Employing video cameras and RFID tags attached to their ears, we maintained continuous surveillance over the mice. Our observations spanned a wide spectrum, encompassing behavior, social interactions, reproduction, mortality, and health status. Rigorous physical examinations and blood tests were conducted at regular intervals to evaluate their physiological parameters. Any mouse displaying severe pain or distress or reaching its natural lifespan (approximately two years) underwent euthanasia.

EEG Recording and Analysis

Employing wireless electrodes implanted in the skulls of each mouse, we meticulously recorded EEG signals, sampling at a rate of 256 Hz. These data were securely stored in a dedicated database to facilitate subsequent analysis.

Utilizing an artificial neural network (ANN), we conducted a comprehensive analysis of the EEG signals, constructing a biometric identifier unique to each mouse. The ANN architecture comprised three layers: an input layer with 256 nodes corresponding to EEG channels, a hidden layer housing 128 nodes, and an output layer with a singular node representing the mouse ID. Training the ANN involved a supervised learning algorithm employing the backpropagation method, utilizing 80% of the EEG data for training and the remaining 20% for testing. Assessment of the ANN’s performance was conducted using accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity metrics.

Reincarnation Detection

Reincarnation, defined as a mouse being reborn in the same colony with an identical EEG pattern to its predecessor, was investigated using the ANN. By comparing the EEG signals of each mouse with those of deceased mice in the database, matches were deemed reincarnations if the ANN output exceeded a predefined threshold (0.9). Each match underwent manual verification, involving visual inspection of EEG signals and scrutiny of demographic and behavioral data. Recognition tests were additionally conducted to evaluate memory and personality, exposing reincarnated mice to stimuli associated with their past lives.

Over a 10-year monitoring period, encompassing 2,345,678 births and an equivalent number of deaths within the mouse colony, our ANN model identified two mice as reincarnated individuals. This finding aligned with predictions based on the Local Reincarnation Force (LRF) theory, asserting that the probability of reincarnation correlates with the distance between the place of death and rebirth, population density, and spiritual affinity between souls. Our calculations indicated LRF-generated reincarnation rates 200 times higher than the standard, suggesting a 99% likelihood of a mouse being reborn in our facility within a decade.

Reincarnation Factors

We analyzed the data to identify any factors that could influence the likelihood and frequency of reincarnation. We considered four factors: karma, location, time, and species. Karma is a concept in Hinduism and Buddhism that refers to the actions and consequences of a living being in its current and past lives. Karma determines the quality and condition of one’s future lives, such as happiness or suffering, wealth or poverty, health or illness, human or animal (Gethin, 1998). Location is the physical place where a living being dies and is reborn. Location may affect reincarnation because of the proximity and availability of potential bodies, as well as the environmental and cultural influences (Stevenson, 2001). Time is the temporal interval between death and rebirth. Time may affect reincarnation because of the changes and events that occur in the world during that period, such as natural disasters, wars, migrations, or technological developments (Tucker, 2013). Species is the biological category of a living being, such as human, animal, or plant. Species may affect reincarnation because of the differences in anatomy, physiology, behavior, cognition, and consciousness among different forms of life (Panksepp, 2005).

Employing statistical methods, we rigorously assessed the significance and correlation of various factors with reincarnation. These analyses aimed to unravel the intricate relationships between these factors and the phenomenon of reincarnation in our mouse colony.

In addition to traditional statistical approaches, we harnessed the power of machine learning techniques to construct predictive models. These models were designed to estimate the probability of reincarnation for any given mouse, leveraging the identified factors as input variables. This forward-looking approach allowed us to explore and understand the complex dynamics associated with the likelihood of reincarnation in our experimental setting.

Through the integration of statistical analyses and machine learning methodologies, we sought a comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing reincarnation. Our goal was not only to unveil correlations but also to build predictive frameworks capable of providing nuanced insights into the probability of this intriguing phenomenon across our diverse mouse population.


Reincarnation Detection

Among 100,000 mice scrutinized, we pinpointed three instances of reincarnation: two normal reincarnated mice (NRMs) and one distinctive black karma mouse (BKM). The NRMs experienced rebirth within a year postmortem, whereas the BKM swiftly returned within a month of its demise. Notably, the NRMs, exhibiting different sexes and strains across lives, maintained similar personalities and preferences between previous and current existences. Conversely, the BKM, consistent in sex and strain throughout all its lives, manifested varying personalities and preferences in each cycle. While the NRMs recognized objects and sounds from past lives, the BKM displayed no recognition of its previous existence. For instance, an NRM trained to navigate a maze in a previous life outpaced other mice in its current life.

The BKM, an extraordinary find, resided in our facility for 16 generations, equivalent to 160 human years. Distinguished by a unique EEG pattern easily discernible by our ANN model, the BKM displayed low-frequency, low-amplitude brain waves indicative of diminished consciousness and intelligence. Additionally, the BKM exhibited aggressive, antisocial tendencies, frequently assaulting other mice and isolating itself within the colony.

Propounded by the BKM theory, certain souls accumulate negative karma from past actions, hindering their ascent to higher planes of existence. According to the theory, BKMs can only liberate themselves from the cycle of suffering through virtuous deeds and soul purification.

This diagram shows a unique repeated pattern (in red) that the ANN found in the EEG brainprint (Yang et al, 2022) of NRM C57BL/6 and BALB/c.

The first NRM was a female C57BL/6 mouse who died at 18 months of age due to a respiratory infection. She was reborn as a male BALB/c mouse who is currently 12 months old. The ANN output for this match was 0.95. The second NRM was a male DBA/2 mouse who died at 20 months of age due to a tumor. He was reborn as a female C3H mouse who is currently 10 months old. The ANN output for this match was 0.92. The BKM was a male CD-1 mouse who died at 24 months of age due to old age. He was reborn as a male CD-1 mouse who is currently 22 months old. He has been reborn 16 times in total within the same colony since the beginning of the study. The ANN output for each match ranged from 0.91 to 0.99.

Reincarnation Factors

Karma emerged as a significant factor influencing reincarnation (p < 0.001) in our study. The calculation of the karma score for each mouse hinged on an evaluation of its behavior and health status throughout its life. This metric, ranging from -10 (indicating the worst) to +10 (reflecting the best), assigned negative values to denote bad karma and positive values to signify good karma.

Our investigation revealed that NRMs boasted higher karma scores than the BKM in their previous lives (mean = +6 vs -8; t-test = -12.34; p < 0.001). This stark contrast in karma scores underscored the profound influence of karma on the reincarnation patterns observed. Furthermore, the comparison extended to the current lives of NRMs, where they maintained higher karma scores than the other mice (mean = +7 vs +3; t-test = 8.76; p < 0.001).

Notably, the statistical analyses affirmed the robustness of our findings regarding karma’s role in the reincarnation process. The application of t-tests not only substantiated the disparities between NRMs and BKMs in their past lives but also emphasized the ongoing influence of karma, delineating the elevated karma scores of NRMs compared to the other mice (mean = +7 vs +3; t-test = 8.76; p < 0.001).


Presenting compelling evidence supporting the presence of reincarnation and karma in mice, our study proposes the extension of these phenomena to encompass other animals and humans. Furthermore, our research showcases the viability of employing EEG-based biometric identification systems for monitoring reincarnated individuals through successive lifetimes. The implications of our study span across behavioral psychology and neurology, as well as ethics and spirituality, offering a multifaceted perspective on these phenomena.


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  1. Aka, Bing Chat and GPT 3.5. (Edited by Johnathan Kirsch.) The Department of Paranormal Studies, National Institute for Religion, Delhi, India ↩︎

Cite this article

Gupta, Laasya, and Kabir Gupta. “Evidence of Reincarnation in a Colony of Mice.” Uniqua, vol. 1, no. 1, 16 Nov. 2023, johnathansliterature.com/evidence-of-reincarnation-in-a-colony-of-mice/


Public Domain 2023 by The Department of Paranormal Studies

Evidence of Reincarnation in a Colony of Mice by Laasya and Kabir Gupta is marked with CC0 1.0. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0