Lael’s Blog
“My Kids Will Never Do School.”
That is what I told my Aunt today at a crafting party. It may sound strange, but it’s the truth. School teaches kids to dread learning.
The Faithfulness of God’s Plan
Today I had the opportunity to speak to some wise and experienced brothers and sisters. One of them asked me what I planned to do after graduation.
The Goodness of God’s Plan
The Bible says, “All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose” (ESV). I’m sixteen, and maybe it’s just me, but I have little control over where my life is leading.
Why is my blog on my brother’s website?
I don’t do technical stuff like making websites, so my brother, Johnathan, does that for me. He’s letting me use his website because he said that he likes my writing and is pleased it can be on his website.
About Lael
“If anything defines my interests, it is variety… From music, science, decorating, farming, teaching, and writing, there are no bounds.”
None yet…
Alaskan Culture Bible centralized nerd network colossians computer stuff controversial em dash ethics farming frederick dlanimi god's plan Greenland learning life advice Martinez meaning memorization nudity nutrition personal story poem poetic political theory puppet scripts puppet shows science sheep short story story topics trusting god truth wonder